How To See a Patient Reading During a Consult

During a consultation you may want your client to take a live vital sign reading (for example blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature etc.). This article shows you how to view a new reading in near real time.

1. Visit

If you are not currently logged into the Cloud DX clinician dashboard, please log in to your account.


2. Look up the Client (Patient)

Select the 'Clients' tab. Use the search bar to enter a client's name, email, or client ID. Click 'Search'. Alternatively, you can click on a client's name from the list of clients on the main dashboard.

Search Bar

2.1. Open the Client's Individual Dashboard

After locating a client, click on their name to open their individual dashboard.

Open Client's Individual Dashboard

3. Ask the Client to Take a Reading

While viewing the client's dashboard, ask client to take a new reading. Readings can take up to 2 minutes to complete.

Client Takes Reading

4. Reading Confirmation

Ask your client to confirm a reading has been successfully taken.

5. Refresh the Page

After a client acknowledges a reading was taken successfully, refresh your internet browser. The reading will appear in either the main dashboard or tabs.

Refresh Page