Managing Notification Alerts

This article will educate you how to manage, resolve, and escalate Notification Alerts. The 'Notifications' feature allows a clinician to create triggers that will alert them when a client's vital signs are above or below a specified thresholds, or if readings increase or decrease over a specified period of time. Notification Alerts can be managed from the Clinical Dashboard and/or the Patient Notes.  

New Notification Alerted on the Clinical Dashboard

If a new notification has been generated and not yet actioned, it will be displayed on the Clinical Dashboard as a Flashing Bell.

Previously the bell would flash if a notification had not been viewed for more than 24 hours. Now the bell will flash whenever there are one or more new notifications that are in an Open status.

To access the notification, select the Flashing Bell from the Clinician Dashboard. This will open the notification viewer to view the triggered notification.

Filter Notification Statuses

When selecting the Bell a notification alerts box will be displayed and will provide the ability to see all notes and notifications for the patient.

The Checkbox options allow you to filter the notifications by status:

Open: view all open notifications  

Resolving: View all notifications currently being resolved.

Escalated: View all notifications which are currently escalated

Closed: View all notifications which have been successfully resolved and closed.

Hide Notes: Hides any notes entered that is not associated with a Notification status update. 

The filter options selected will be remembered and reused the next time you access the notifications panel. Once a notification status has been updated, select Show History to view all the status changes for that notification and its associated notes. 

Resolving a Single Open Notification Alert

To take ownership of the notification alert and to alert other clinical providers that you are actively resolving a notification, select Update.

Tip: Once the notification is changed to Resolving or Escalated, the flashing bell will turn solid and remain on the dashboard until the notification is closed.

Using the drop-down, select Resolving to show that you are actively reviewing and resolving the Notification Alert according to the clinical guidelines.

Tip: (updating) will appear next to the notification that you are actively updating.

Resolving Multiple Open Notification Alerts

There may be times when multiple notification alerts are triggered. To place all open notification alerts to the resolving state, select Mark all Open as Resolving.

Once a notification is set to Resolving or Escalated, you cannot reassign the notification back to an Open state. 

Escalating a Notification Alert

If you cannot resolve a notification alert and, as per your clinical guidelines, the notification needs to be escalated to another clinical provider, select Escalated from the drop-down.

Closing a Notification Alert

When the notification alert or escalation has been resolved, select Closed from the status drop-down, add your notes about the reading, and select Update Notification.

Accessing Notification Alerts via the Patient Notes Tab

All notifications will be stored within the Patient Notes. From the patient notes, you can filter what items you see.

Show Notification and Notes: will display all manually created notes and notifications alerts triggered.

Show Only Notes: Will display all notes manually entered by the Clinical Team or Cloud DX Support.

Show Only Notifications: Will display all notifications triggered (opened, resolving, escalated, and closed)

Select the desired status from the Notifications Status drop-down and click Search to filter via notification status.

View/Update a Notification from the patient notes

To update a Notification from the patient notes, select View/Update Notification.   

Tip: The far right-hand panel will show the notification status; above, they are all listed as 'Open.'

The Update Notification Panel will be available at the bottom of the page. From here, you can update the notification status, add notes to the notification, and close the notification as needed.

Tip: Once the Notification Alert is closed, the Bell will disappear from the Clinician Dashboard