Drop Shipment and Return Process

1. Requesting a Drop Shipment

Once the patient profile has been created and registered, the clinical team can initiate a drop shipment request. 

Prior to requesting a Drop Shipment, ensure the patient's correct shipping address has been added to their profile. 

To initiate the drop shipment, from the patient profile, select Other --> Request Welcome Call or Drop shipment. 

Next, fill out the Drop Shipment Form: 

  • Request Type: Select Drop Shipment
  • Requested Date: Proposed Shipment date.
  • Details: Include any specific details for the shipment or following Welcome Call.
  • Click Send. 

A green bar will appear to confirm the Drop Shipment Request was successfully sent and you can find details of the request within the Patients Notes tab. 

Cloud DX tracks the Drop Shipment and will follow up with the patient for a Welcome Call once the kit has been received. 

1.1. Tracking the Shipment

Cloud DX will communicate by email to confirm the request was received and is being processed or to identify any additional information that may be needed: 

When the Shipment has been processed, the clinical team will receive updates of the shipment including the Shipment Tracking Info. 

2. Patient Discharge

Upon Discharge, follow your discharge process and contact the patient to confirm: 

  • A return shipping label and return instructions were included with the original shipment.
  • Reminder to include all accessory cords and proper equipment in the return.
  • Cloud DX will contact them to assist with the kit return. 

3. Notify Cloud DX of the Return

Submit a ticket to the Cloud DX Support Team, we will reach out and help with the return. 

To Submit a Ticket visit:  https://support.pulsewavedx or select the Support Tab from your clinical portal. Within the Support Site:

  • Select Create Support Ticket
  • Fill out the form (do not include any PHI or PII)
  • Click Submit

This ticket will serve as communication back and forth to the clinical team until the kit is successfully returned. 

Communication:  The CDX Support Team will communicate via email for any outstanding issues:

  • Patients not responding to our team.
  • Kit reconciliation- Damaged or missing items in return.
  • All other outstanding items.

Successful Kit Return: The Cloud DX Support team will follow up via email once the kit has been returned and added to existing inventory.