Web 3.43 Release Notes

New Feature! - Enhanced Surveys

A Cloud DX DST member will be working with your clinic soon to transition from classic surveys to enhanced surveys!

The enhanced survey engine capabilities allow you to hide/show follow-up questions based on response logic to previous questions, score and set notifications for specific scores, provide tips for patient education and self-management, and more.

Scheduling Enhanced Surveys 

To view a video tutorial, please click here: How to Schedule and Send Surveys

  • The enhanced surveys will be available in the main survey dropdown where the classic surveys are located. You may need to scroll down until you see the ENHANCED banner. Please note, you may not see this if enhanced surveys have not yet been added to your clinic.
  • If you would like to preview the survey questions and response options, please click Preview once the survey is selected.
  • Once the survey is selected, you will schedule it just like the classic survey.

Setting Notification Thresholds for Enhanced Surveys

With Enhanced Surveys, setting notification thresholds for surveys has changed. Now, you will find a Surveys tab in the patient's Notifications tab to set notification thresholds for enhanced surveys only.

When adding a new survey trigger, you will be required to indicate the following parameters:

  1. Survey (name of enhanced survey)
  2. Expression (And/Or)

    A.    Adds calculated formula expression
    B.    Adds Group (And/Or) function
    C.    Removes Expression or calculated formula

  3. Survey Score (most surveys will only have one)
  4. Operator (e.g., is equal to, is greater than or equal to, is less than, etc.)
  5. Trigger Threshold (value of flag trigger)
  6. Description – optional
  7. Notification Subscribers – optional

Please speak with your Deployment & Success Representative if you would like to learn more about the additional functionality of the new survey notification engine.

New Feature! - Session Time Out Pop Up

To view a video tutorial, please click here: Session Time Out Alert

  • Currently, if a clinician, who is logged into CHP, has been inactive for a period of time (30 minutes), the clinician gets logged out.
  • We have improved this experience for clinician/admin users so that they may choose to stay logged in and continue working on CHP without losing any unsaved data.
  • A pop-up reminder will appear 5 minutes prior to the session expiry period with a countdown. Simply click on Keep Working to continue with the session.

New Feature! - Patient Notes Export

To view a video tutorial, please click here: How to export Notes

As a clinician, you can now export patient notes into an excel file. The export will only include notes from the first page. If you wish to export more than 10 notes, please adjust the items per page located at the bottom of the page. Use the filters at the top of the page to select the required notes for export.

Improvement - Viewing Survey Compliance 

To view a video tutorial, please click here: Survey Compliance

With the release of the Enhanced Surveys, we have also improved the survey compliance screen. It is now easier to identify which patients are compliant in completing all of their scheduled surveys, which patients have surveys pending, and which patients have missed completing any scheduled surveys. Additionally, there is a hyperlink to review the most recent survey instance completed by the patient and the last submitted survey score (if applicable).

Please review the legend for the different survey statuses available. Note: If N/A is indicated, there is no upcoming survey and/or no data available.

With this release, the survey score is also now available on the individual survey results page at the bottom of each survey submission!

The Survey Compliance screen is based on the reading range. For example, if you want to see which patients have been compliant in completing their surveys in the past week, please update the reading range to "1 week".

Improvement - Viewing Compliance (group & patient level)

  • The compliance setting tables (individual patient compliance and group compliance) have been slightly adjusted for ease of use.
  • The days of the week will appear as columns (X axis), and the vitals will appear as rows (Y axis).
  • Any scheduled survey will have compliance enabled automatically. See Survey Compliance for details.

Improvement - Viewing Patient Charts 

To view a video tutorial, please click here: Patient Charts

The Charts tab within a patient profile has been improved and now has a fresh look. You may also zoom and in out of the chart to get a better view of the data points plotted for readings trending.

To view a chart, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the patient and then select the Charts tab.
  2. Select the metric (vital sign or enhanced survey).
  3. Select the date range (if you require a different range from the default).
  4. Select Create Chart.
  5. View the chart and export if needed (available in CSV, PNG, SVG via the three lines button on the right side of the chart).

Improvement - Viewing Patient Reports 

To view a video tutorial, please click here: How to view, print, and save reports

The Patient Reports tab has been refreshed with a new look and feel. As a clinician, you can now create individual, or unified (vitals and surveys) reports easily based on customized date ranges and download them as a PDF file.

To create a report, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the patient and then select the Reports tab.
  2. Select the metric(s) you would like in the report (it could be one or many). To remove a metric to be not included in the report, simply click the “X” beside the metric you would like to remove.
  3. Select the desired date range (if the default range is not suitable).
  4. Select Generate Report.

Improvement - Patient Readings Screen 

With the new enhanced surveys, the patient's readings screen has been updated. Now, you will see two dropdowns:

  • Vital Signs
  • Surveys (Classic)

Clinicians can continue to access any individual scores for a scored classic survey from this page.

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