Setting Goals

Your Connected Health software includes a feature that lets you set personal health goals to better manage your health. When you select a Goal, the Cloud DX software chooses appropriate content to show in your Health News feed. If you do not select a goal, you may see Health News that is not relevant to you.

You can choose to manage:

  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Glucose
  • Pregnancy

This article will show you how to edit your goals when you first create an account, while on desktop, and while on a tablet.

1. Setting Goals When Creating a New Account

Create a new account by clicking here. Fill in all values, then click 'Register'.



1.1. Goals Setup

A pop-up will appear allowing you to choose what goals you would like to manage. Tick each check-box next to your desired goal then click 'Save'. Optionally, you can choose to skip this step. You can always edit your goals while on a desktop (Step 2) or on a tablet (Step 4).

Goals Setup

2. Setting Goals While on Desktop

Visit and sign in. Click on 'Profile' in the main Dashboard.


2.1. Click 'Edit'


3. Update or Set Goals

Under 'Areas of Interest', you can edit your goals by selecting or deselecting each check-box. Click 'Save' when complete.


3.1. Saved Successful

A green alert box will appear when your information has been updated successfully.

Saved Successful

4. Setting Goals on Tablet

You can set or edit goals while on a tablet by signing into your account from the Connected Health app. On the Main Menu tap 'Goals'.


4.1. Selecting Goals

Tap each goal you would like to turn ON/OFF. Tap 'Next'.  


Continue editing your goals by tapping them ON/OFF. Tap 'Done' to save.


4.2. The system will display the Main Menu after a successful save

Main Menu